
OLW2018 - February...

The February prompt for OLW2018 didn't come easily to me.  I found loads of pictures etc that spoke to me but when it came to putting my vision board together, it just didn't seem right so I went back to my magazines and started again, only to end up with the same problem.  I decided to give it away, not worry about this months prompt.  But today, in a quiet house all by myself I found 6 images that spoke to me but didn't seem to fit the idea of what I wanted in my head.  I decided to let these images guide me, and just like that my vision board started to come together.  

I paused for awhile to take it all in, potter about to find just the right wording to add.  Not rushing,just letting it come to be what it will be.  I found several quotes/wording that said just what I needed them to say so I added them to my board.

My vision board has ended up nothing like I had planned for it to look.  I was going to add images of vegetables, exercise, books, etc etc.  The images were going to cover all the areas that I want to tackle this year with my word.  But when I had all those images, for some reason I just couldn't get them to come together on a vision board.  I was frustrated, very frustrated.  After deciding to give it all away and just sloth on the couch with a coffee and an intention to read some magazines that I hadn't got to yet, it just happened.  I had six images that I wanted, loved and somehow found a real connection to.

I am quickly finding this year, that when I try to force things, it doesn't work.  But when I step back, slow down and accept that the timing is not right for what ever it is that I need to happen.  The right thing happens instead.

I love this top one, "no looking back, love where you're going".  It's a great reminder that the life I had before is not the same anymore, Cancer has changed that.  I have no idea what the future holds for me health wise, but I can't think about the past anymore, I need to focus on the future, what ever that is and embrace it.

Love me :-)

1 comment:

  1. So very thoughtful, and a visual delight too. Wishing you all good things as you find a way forward ...


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